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  3. Create a Landing Page That Collects Email Addresses

Create a Landing Page That Collects Email Addresses

This type of page will require an email address before allowing a reader to download your free book.

BookFunnel will store any collected email addresses in a CSV on your dashboard. If your plan includes direct integration, BookFunnel can also send you new subscribers to your list automatically.

If you prefer a simple overview and not a step-by-step this in-depth, find that here.

How To Create an Email Signup Page

  • To create a signup landing page:
  • Signup Settings

1. Click the Add button at the top of your dashboard and select Add New Page

2. Select the book you want to send to readers from the drop-down menu

3. Select “An email signup page to collect new readers

4. Select the appropriate setting for your page (Click Signup Settings above for more information)

5. Click Create Landing Page

6. Complete the form

7. Click Save and Close

Once you select “An email signup page to collect new readers“, you will define the purpose of your landing page and select one of four options:

1. The reader is not signing up for a list You are requiring an email address for tracking purposes, or to ensure your EPUB and MOBI file are watermarked. Any emails collected with this setting have not consented to join your mailing list and should not be added to any email marketing list.

2. The reader is required to join my list to get the book Readers must consent to join your mailing list in order to download a copy of your book.

3. The reader can have the book, but give them the option to join my list Readers are invited to join your mailing list, but can download your book without consenting if they choose.

4. The reader needs to already be on an existing list to get the book This link is being sent to your existing subscribers and cannot be shared with any reader that is not already subscribed to your list.

Most authors use this setting for ARCs or to send exclusive content to their biggest fans and most loyal subscribers. If this BookFunnel link is shared with non-subscribers, they will not be permitted to download your book.

Email Required Landing Page Form

When creating a new landing page that requires an email address, the form has four panels to complete: Opt-In Settings, Landing Page Settings, Thank You Page Settings, and Advanced Settings.

Each section below will walk you through the four panels on the email signup form.

Opt-In Settings

Opt-In Page Name This is a convenient reference for you. Example: “Pride and Prejudice link for Facebook ad”

Expiration Date Your link will expire at 11:59 PM PST on the date you select. You can edit this field later.

Download Limit This is the total number of times the book can be downloadedExample: A download limit of 50 will allow 50 people to download your book.

Mailing List Action This was selected when you clicked the opt-in requirement above.

Sign Up Options Ask for the reader’s first and/or last name upon sign up, and select whether or not to confirm their email address

  • If checked, BookFunnel will send an email to the reader to verify that the email address they provided is valid. They can only download the book if they click the confirmation link in our email.
  • If confirmation is unchecked, the reader can immediately download the book. This could mean that a reader submits an invalid email address.

Integration List Select the list you want new subscribers added to automatically. If you do not see the correct list in the drop-down menu, click Refresh to pull your updated lists from your mailing list provider. (Integration List is only available with direct integration.

Landing Page Settings

The “landing page” is the first page a reader will see when they click on your link. Click the Preview button to see what your page looks like as you edit these settings. Click the Preview EU button to see how the page may be altered for residents of the EU/EEA based on your GDPR Settings.

Page Layout Changes the layout of the page and location of the book cover. Only the BookFunnel Default layouts support background and accent color changes.

Page Background Changes the background color of the page

Page Accent Color Changes the color of the button and Heading 1

Include 3D effects on book cover Adds a 3D page effect to your book cover

Page Title The internet browser tab will display this above your page at the top of the browser

Heading 1 The first and largest text on the page. If you select a Page Accent Color above, this text will be displayed in the accent color. Select “Use a custom heading” to type your own heading, or select one of our default options. Keep this short and punchy.

Heading 2  This is a smaller font than Heading 1. Select “Use a custom heading” to type your own heading, or select one of our default options.

Pop up Message This is the message that pops up when a reader clicks the “Get my book” button on your landing page. Experts say short and conversational text is the way to go.

Button Text This is the text on the button readers will click on your landing page.

Page Text You can leave this blank, use your book description, or use custom text on your landing page. If you leave it blank or use custom text, you will need to edit this section anytime you want to edit the text on this page. If you use the book description default, any changes to your book’s text will automatically sync to this page.

Download Page Settings

This is the page a reader will see after they have submitted their email address and are allowed to download the book file. Click the Preview button to see what your page looks like as you edit these settings. Click the Preview EU button to see how the page may be altered for residents of the EU/EEA based on your GDPR Settings.

Page Layout Changes the layout of the page and location of the book cover. Only the BookFunnel Default layouts support background and accent color changes.

Page Background Changes the background color of the page

Page Accent Color Changes the color of the button and Heading 1

Include 3D effects on book cover Adds a 3D page effect to your book cover

Page Title The internet browser tab will display this above your page at the top of the browser

Heading 1 The first and largest text on the page. If you select a Page Accent Color above, this text will be displayed in the accent color. Select “Use a custom heading” to thank your reader for subscribing or to let them know when they can post their review (for example), or select one of our default options. Make sure this page is not identical to your Landing Page Settings above or readers may become confused.

Heading 2  This is a smaller font than Heading 1. Our “You have X days remaining default option will show the reader that they have 14 days to download their copy of the book. Or you can select “Use a custom heading” to type your own heading or choose one of our default options.

Button Text This is the text on the button readers will click to download the book files.

Page Text You can leave this blank, use your book description, or use custom text on your download page. If you leave it blank or use custom text, you will need to edit this section anytime you want to edit the text on this page. If you use the book description default, any changes to your book’s text will automatically sync to this page.

Advanced Settings

Send custom fields when adding readers to my mailing list If your email signup page is integrated with your mailing list service, you can send extra data along with the reader’s name and email address to your list. Example: the title of the book they received, which marketing effort brought them to your signup page, where they signed up (Source: BookFunnel!), etc. Learn more about sending custom fields to your list.

Expired Message This is the message a reader will see if you set an expiration date on your landing page it expires.

Redeemed Message This is the message a reader will see if you set a limit on your landing page and it is met.

Facebook Pixel Include a Facebook Pixel and track visitors from Facebook ads and organic traffic. Learn more about adding the Facebook pixel to your BookFunnel pages.

You can find the link to share with readers by clicking Books on your BookFunnel dashboard, then clicking the book title. Click Copy in the Link For Readers column to copy the link to your clipboard.

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