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  2. Landing Pages & Reader Links
  3. Export Your CSV of Reader Email Addresses

Export Your CSV of Reader Email Addresses

We will store any collected email addresses in a CSV on your dashboard. You will receive an email notification when you have new subscribers waiting to be exported. The email you receive will contain a link to export your CSV, or you can locate the CSV on your dashboard and export it at your convenience.

If your page has been integrated with your mailing list service, you will not receive an email because we are adding them to your list automatically.

Export CSV from the Notification Email

  1. Click the link in the “you have new…” email notification. It will look like https://dashboard.bookfunnel…
  2. Enter your account email address and password if you are not already logged in.
  3. Click the Export CSV button at the top of the screen.

Find and Download Your CSV

  1. Click Landing Pages on your BookFunnel dashboard.
  2. Click the name of the landing page that is collecting email addresses.
  3. Click Export CSV at the top of the page.

CSV Export Options

New Subscribers A CSV of all email addresses collected since the last time you exported. Once an email address has been exported, it is no longer “new” but can still be located in the All Subscribers CSV.

All Subscribers A CSV of every subscriber that has consented to join your mailing list.

Everything A CSV of every email address that has been submitted to your email signup page. Emails that have a “no” in the confirmed column never clicked the confirmation link from BookFunnel and should not be added to your mailing list.


Is my page collecting email addresses?

Click Books and then the book title to see all of the landing pages you have created. Any page that says “no email collection” is not collecting email addresses from your readers. Learn how to start or stop collecting emails on your landing page.

If I start collecting email addresses today, can I retrieve email addresses from yesterday?

If you create a landing page that doesn’t collect emails, we don’t collect any reader data or track readers. If you start collecting email addresses today, we will require an email address from every reader beginning now.

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