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  2. Landing Pages & Reader Links
  3. Change Email Collection Settings on a Landing Page

Change Email Collection Settings on a Landing Page

Did you create a simple download page and now want to require email signup?

Or did you create an email signup page that you now want to switch to a simple download page that doesn’t collect or track any reader data?

It is easy to change the email settings on your BookFunnel landing pages.

To start collecting email addresses:

  1. Click Books on your BookFunnel dashboard.
  2. Click the book title.
  3. Click the name of the landing page to view its settings.
  4. Click Start collecting email addresses.
  5. That’s it!
Screenshot of the BookFunnel dashboard showing where you can easily convert a download page to an email signup page.
Convert a simple download page to an email signup page.

To stop collecting email addresses:

  1. Click Books on your BookFunnel dashboard.
  2. Click the book title.
  3. Click the name of the landing page to view its settings.
  4. Click Stop collecting email addresses.
  5. That’s it!
Convert an email signup page to a simple download page

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