In order to create a sales landing page, your book needs to be uploaded to BookFunnel first.
You don’t have to upload your EPUB or PDF file if you are only making a sales landing page. A sales page only requires the book title, description, and book cover.
If you think that you might want to distribute your book on BookFunnel someday, upload the book files too. You’ll save future you some time.
How To Create a Sales Landing Page
Once your book is uploaded, you can create your sales landing page:
- Click the Add New button at the top of your dashboard and select Add New Landing Page.
- Select the book from the dropdown menu.
- Select the third choice, ’A sales landing page that sends readers to other bookstores to buy your book’.
- Click Create Landing Page button
- Complete the form. See the detailed how-to below.
- Click Save and Close.
- You can find the link to your sales landing page by clicking Landing Pages on your BookFunnel dashboard. The Link For Readers is next to the page name and can be copied to your clipboard.
Sales Landing Page Form Details
When creating a new sales landing page, the form has three panels to complete: Sales Landing Page Details, Landing Page Settings, and Advanced Settings.
Sales Page Details
Page Name This is a convenient reference for you. Example: “Pride and Prejudice link for Spring Fling Sales Promo”.
Book to Display This is the book featured on the page.
Expiration Date Your sales landing page will expire at 11:59 PM PST on the date you select. You can edit this field later.
Big Button Link This is the link you want the big button on your landing page to take people to.
Big Button Text The text displayed on your big button.
Direct Sales Price USD and EUD The price of the book in your online store. If your store is USD only, leave the EUD field blank. If your store supports EUD, your page will display the price in EUD when a reader visits from a European country. You can also use text in this field like “ON SALE NOW ONLY $2.99.” If you aren’t sure how it will look, try it! Type in some text and then click Save, then click Preview.
Store Price in USD and EUD The price of the book in these retail stores. If your book is not available outside the US, leave the EUD field blank. If your book is available outside the US, you have the option to provide the price in EUD. When a reader visits your page from a European country, your page will display the price in EUD. If your book is priced differently in each store, leave the price field blank so that readers are not mislead.
Retail Price in USD and EUD Provide a retail price and we’ll slash through to make your offer even more enticing like this: $9.99.
Think of the retail price like the MSRP at a car dealership– it exists to convince you that you’re getting a great deal. You can also use text if you want the page to show REGULAR PRICE $9.99.
Experiment with text and then click Save, then click Preview to see how it looks!
Ebook Store Links
If you are a Books2Read author, you can provide your universal book link and we’ll grab your store links automatically. When a reader clicks a store link on your sales landing page, they will bounce through B2R and then to the store they selected. If you don’t want readers to bounce through B2R, paste your store links in manually.
Provide Your Own Links
If you don’t have a Books2Read universal book link, or want to paste some store links directly, Select the ‘I’ll provide my own store link button’ to paste in the buy links for each store you would like the sales page to link to.
If you are adding an Amazon link, you can select which country’s links you’d like to include. This will take the reader to the Amazon listing in their country.
Audiobook Store Links
If you have your book available in audiobook format, you can paste links to the audiobook stores your book is available in.
Landing Page Settings
These settings control the color, layout, and text on your sales landing page. Click the Preview button to see what your page looks like as you edit these settings.
Page Layout Changes the layout of the page and location of the book cover.
Page Theme Changes the background color of the page.
Page Accent Color Changes the color of the button and Heading 1.
Include 3D effects on book cover Adds a 3D page effect to your book cover Disable this on a boxset image or audiobook cover.
Page Title The internet browser tab will display this above your page at the top of the browser.
Heading 1 The first and largest text on the page. If you select a Page Accent Color above, this text will be displayed in the accent color. Select “Use a custom heading” to type your own heading, or select one of our default options.
Heading 2 This is a smaller font than Heading 1. Select “Use a custom heading” to type your own heading, or select one of our default options.
Page Text You can leave this blank, use your book description, or use custom text on your sales landing page. If you use the book description default, any changes to your book’s text will automatically sync to this page.
Advanced Settings
Expired Message This is the message a reader will see if you set an expiration date on your sales landing page.
Facebook Pixel Include a Facebook Pixel and track visitors from Facebook ads and organic traffic. Learn more about adding the Facebook pixel to your BookFunnel pages.
Edit Existing Sales Landing Page
To edit an existing sales landing page:
- Click Landing Pages on your BookFunnel dashboard.
- Click the name of the page you want to edit.
- Click Action and select Edit Page Details.
- Make any necessary edits.
- Click Save and Close.
Playing With the Price Settings
You can experiment with the price settings until the page looks exactly the way that you want. We’ve included some examples of price settings and how they look on the sales landing page below.