The Promotions board can help you connect with other authors on BookFunnel that want to work with you. Any BookFunnel author can post a promo or set up notifications to follow their favorite genres.
BookFunnel supports two types of group promos:
Newsletter Promos | Sales Promos |
Designed to grow your newsletter and require a free book (short story, preview, etc.) download to join. | Designed to sell your book in stores (or on your own author website) and require a sales landing page to join. |
How do Group Promos Work?
Group author promotions can help you find new readers. When you join a promo full of like-minded authors that write books your readers would love to read, everyone wins!
Each author in a promo is asked to share the promo with their own mailing list and/or social media platforms, which sends lots of reader eyeballs to the promo. Your readers can discover new books that are right up their alley, and your book is seen by all of the lovely readers sent by the other participating authors.
Promotions are most successful when every author shares the promo with their own mailing list and social media.
What can I do with the Promotions board?
- Create your own promo so that other authors can join up
- Find active promos that are currently recruiting in your genre
- Set a notification and learn when new promos are posted in your genre or sub-genre
- Post or join a newsletter builder and find new mailing list subscribers
- Post or join a book sales promotion and sell your books to readers
Where is the Promotions board?
Click Promotions on your BookFunnel dashboard to view any promos that are actively recruiting in your genre.
Get Notified of New Promos
BookFunnel can send an email to your account email address when a new promo is posted in the genre(s) you select. To get notified:
- Click Get notified when new promos are posted at the top of the Promotions board
- Select your genre(s)
- Check the box next to Notify me by email when new promos are posted
- Click Save