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Errors That Readers Report

There are several known “errors” that readers often report to us in our support queue. Here are a few of them, what they mean (and DON’T mean), and what you can do about them.

“Page Not Found” Error

“Page not found” is a common error report we see in support, and it does not mean your page is busted.

It usually means the reader pasted your download link into the Google or Bing search box instead of typing it into the address bar in their web browser.

Your download pages are private, which prevents people from finding your book on BookFunnel when they “google” your name or book title. These readers need help finding their address bar, which is usually located directly above the search box. Our support team will happily help them with this. Learn what to do when readers email you for tech support.

“No longer available” or “Page not available” Error

“No longer available” or “Page not available” errors are usually seen on Kindle Fire tablets when a reader taps the Download Book With BookFunnel App button, but they do not have the BookFunnel app installed.

Our support team will happily help them with this. Learn how you can prevent reader support emails.

“Page Does Not Exist” Message

If a reader reports a message on BookFunnel that says “Page does not exist,” they either have a typo or the link they received has been deleted.

If you did not delete your book or download page, the link they received was invalid or has a typo. Our support team will happily help them with this (sensing a trend?). Learn what to do when readers email you for tech support.

“Page Has Expired” Message

If a reader reports this message, the link they received has expired. You can edit your page and remove or change its expiration date easily. Learn how to reactivate your expired page.

“Reader got the wrong book”

If a reader tells you that they received the wrong book, one of three things happened:

  1. They were sent the wrong link in error.
  2. The book title or book files on BookFunnel are incorrect or mislabeled.
  3. The reader had previously downloaded a different book and still had the old download page open in their internet browser.

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