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Reader Support – Send ‘Em To Us Before They Ask You For Help

If you are new to distributing free books (outside of the online stores), it can be a different experience for readers. Here are a few tips to keep them happy (and out of your inbox!).

Manage Reader Expectations

Most readers have never gotten a book from outside of an online bookstore, and they expect it all to be magical. They see the book they want, they click the BUY button, and their book whisks to their e-reader (or e-reading app). For some devices, sideloading the free book is that easy. For others, there are a few steps.

Setting expectations in your email or on your website is always a good idea. Something like this:

“I use a service called BookFunnel to deliver my book. It may take a few steps depending on your reading device. If you have trouble, click the Help link at the top of the book download page.”

Should I Give Instructions?

Probably not. We are constantly tweaking and improving BookFunnel. Your instructions or helpful BookFunnel guide could become out-of-date very quickly. Keeping your email short and sweet is the most effective way to communicate.

We recommend something like the above quote to prep the reader for an experience they may not be familiar with, and to let them know what to do if they get confused or have trouble.

Should I Offer More Choices?

Probably not. Do what is best for your readers, but more options are not always better. If a reader is confused by BookFunnel, it is unlikely that they already know how to sideload a book. Unless you are willing to gift them the book through their preferred store, let our support team help them.

If you get a confused reader in your inbox, tell them to click the Help link at the top of the download page, and we’ll walk them through it. Learn more about reader support and how to handle their questions.

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