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  2. Mailing List Integration
  3. How to Integrate BookFunnel and Flodesk

How to Integrate BookFunnel and Flodesk

If your BookFunnel account includes direct integration, follow these steps to integrate with Flodesk.

Account Setup:

  1. Click Integrations.
  2. Click the Action button and select + Add Integration.
  3. Select Flodesk. This will open the integration pop-up window for Flodesk.
  4. Click Connect to Flodesk.
  5. Flodesk will require you to login in order to proceed.
  6. Flodesk will ask for your permission to access your Flodesk account. Select Allow.
  7. This will take back to the BookFunnel dashboard.

Selecting a Segment:

Now that your account is integrated, you’ll need to tell us which segment in Flodesk you’d like us to deliver your email addresses. You must have at least one segment set up in Flodesk that you will connect to.

  1. Once Flodesk is integrated, you can scroll down on your Integration dashboard and review your existing email signup pages.
  2. Click the orange gear icon next to your email signup page.
  3. Select Edit Page Details.
  4. Click the Integration List drop down menu and select the Flodesk list you want this page to send the reader email addresses.
  5. Click Save and Close to save the new page settings.

Note: Any email address collected before you selected your Flodesk list and clicked Save will need to be exported from BookFunnel and manually imported to Flodesk (see below for instructions). All new subscriber email addresses collected after you clicked Save will be added automatically.

Use BookFunnel and Flodesk Without Direct Integration

Here are the two ways to use BookFunnel and Flodesk to deliver your books to your readers.

You Collect the Email, Deliver a Download

Available On: All Plans

All BookFunnel plans allow you to create a download page and then email that link to your readers through Flodesk. The basic steps are:

  1. Create a simple download page on BookFunnel and copy its Link For Readers.
  2. Paste the link into your automated welcome email on Flodesk.
  3. Create a sign-up form on Flodesk and link to it or embed it on your author website.
  4. Drive reader traffic to your sign-up form so that they can subscribe.
  5. Once they have joined your list, Flodesk will send them a “welcome” email.
  6. Your new subscribers can click the BookFunnel download link in that welcome email and download the book. Learn how to create a download page.

Pros: Simple to set up and manage, uses your own landing page

Cons: Your download link can be shared online with other readers that did not sign up for your list, BookFunnel can’t track who downloads your book

We Collect the Email, You Import the CSV

Available On: Mid-List, Bestseller, & Publisher Plans

Use an email signup page on BookFunnel and it will act as your landing page and delivery page, all in one! You can design a beautiful, custom landing page on BookFunnel in minutes. No web expertise necessary.

You drive reader traffic to your email signup page on BookFunnel and we will collect their email address on your behalf. We store their email address (and optionally first and last name) in a CSV on your dashboard. Learn how to create an email signup page.

You can then import the CSV of subscribers into your mailing list service at your convenience.

The set up looks like this:

  1. Create an email signup page on BookFunnel that requires readers (or invites) to join your mailing list.
  2. Drive reader traffic to your BookFunnel landing page.
  3. Export the CSV of reader email addresses every day or two from BookFunnel and manually import it to Flodesk.

Pros: Saves time by eliminating the extra step of building a landing page on your own website. If your link is shared online, those extra subscribers can be added to your mailing list

Cons: You need to export the CSV of reader email addresses we collect on your behalf and import it to Mailerlite regularly.

How to Export a CSV from BookFunnel and Import it to Flodesk

First, you will export the CSV from BookFunnel:

  1. Click Books on your BookFunnel dashboard.
  2. Click the book title.
  3. Click the name of the landing page.
  4. Click Export CSV and select Export New Subscribers.
  5. This will save the CSV to your computer, likely in your Downloads folder.

Next, you will import the CSV to Flodesk. Flodesk has their own how-to video here, or you can follow the steps below.

To import a CSV to Flodesk:

  1. Export the reader CSV from BookFunnel.
  2. Select Audience > Subsribers on Flodesk.
  3. Click Add New and select Upload CSV.
  4. Locate your CSV on your computer and upload it.
  5. Map the CSV by matching the first name, last name, email, etc.
  6. Select the segment you want the subscribers to be added to.
  7. Click Finish.

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