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  3. Upload Short Audio Files

Upload Short Audio Files

Available on all Mid-List plans and above.

You can send a MP3 file (up to 120 minutes!) using BookFunnel. Need to distribute a full audiobook?

Share your audio samples, short stories, novellas, or ebook soundtrack with readers! Looking for creative ways to introduce audio to your readers? Get inspired.

MP3 Requirements

  • MP3 format only
  • Minimum 128 kbps* constant bit rate
  • Max 200 MB** file size
  • Max 120 minutes** duration (when set to “spoken word” quality)
  • One single file can be uploaded. To distribute multi-file (or multi-chapter) audio recordings, look at audiobook delivery.

Audio Quality Settings

Your MP3 quality options are:

Spoken Word Quality Ideal for audiobooks and any spoken word recording. You can distribute up to 120 minutes** of spoken word quality.

Music Quality Ideal for music tracks. You can distribute up to 60** minutes of music quality.

Once compressed, the maximum file size BookFunnel will distribute is 60 MB**.

Upload New MP3

  1. Click the Add button at the top of your BookFunnel dashboard.
  2. Select Add New Short Audio.
  3. Complete the form.
  4. Select the appropriate quality setting (spoken word or music).
  5. Click Create Short Audio.
  6. Click Upload MP3 File.
  7. Click +Upload Your File and locate your .mp3.
  8. Click Done when the upload is complete.
  9. Click Upload Cover and provide a .jpg (or .jpeg) to be displayed on landing pages for this audio file.

Edit MP3

You can edit an existing MP3 without interrupting any downloads.

You can change the title, description, or audio quality settings. You can also replace the MP3 if necessary.

To edit the title, description, or audio quality settings:

  1. Click Short Audio on your BookFunnel dashboard.
  2. Click Action next to the short audio you would like to change.
  3. Select Edit Audio Details to change the title, description, or audio quality.
  4. Click Save audio details when finished editing.

To replace the MP3 file or cover image immediately, without interrupting reader downloads:

  1. Click Short Audio on your BookFunnel dashboard.
  2. Click the name of the short audio.
  3. Click Upload Cover to upload a new .jpg.
  4. Click Action next to the MP3 and select Upload New File to replace the MP3.

Delete Short Audio

To delete a short audio file:

  1. Click Short Audio on your BookFunnel dashboard.
  2. Click the Action button next to the short audio you would like to delete.
  3. Select Delete Short Audio.
  4. Select Yes to confirm and delete the short audio.

* If you upload a variable bit rate MP3 and BookFunnel rejects it for not meeting the minimum requirements, export your audio again at 128 kbps constant bit rate. Variable bit rate averages the file, and if it averages to 127.3 kbps, it doesn’t meet our minimum.

** These numbers are close approximations but are not guaranteed. Actual file size and maximum duration may be less depending on the compression.

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