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WooCommerce: 406 Not Acceptable Error

You’re adding a shiny new WooCommerce store to your BookFunnel Sales dashboard. You’ve pasted your store URL, consumer key, and consumer secret successfully and then you click Save Settings and…


The most common errors you might see are addressed in our WooCommerce article (and tend to be related to the URL), but this error is a pickle: 406 Not Acceptable Error.

What does “406 Not Acceptable Error” mean?

It means that your web server has a restriction in place that won’t allow us to communicate with your store. On the plus side, your consumer key, secret, and URL are perfect and we’re almost there!

What does WordPress have to say?

Generally a 406 error is caused because a request has been blocked by ModSecurity. If you believe that your request has been blocked by mistake, please contact your web host.

WordPress error response

How can you resolve the error?

Contact your web host and they can correct it for you. Let them know that they need to turn off ModSecurity and allow BookFunnel to connect.

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