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  3. Restricted Book Delivery: Deliver Books, Not Files

Restricted Book Delivery: Deliver Books, Not Files

With restricted book delivery, books can only be read in the BookFunnel App or in the BookFunnel Cloud Reader (our cross-platform, browser-based reader). When a book is restricted, readers do not have access to your book’s EPUB and/or PDF*.

Does it have to be an ARC (Advance Reader Copy)?

This feature was designed for ARCs (and lovingly called “ARC Angels” for years while in development), but you can restrict any book for any reason.

Restricting a book means that every download page, email signup page, Certified Mail campaign, sales delivery action, print code batch, and book gift on the book will be restricted.

Reading a Restricted Book

When a book is restricted, readers can read it in the BookFunnel app or cloud reader. They are not offered the option to download its EPUB or PDF*, nor can they email it or download it directly on their computer. The book can only be read using the BookFunnel app or cloud reader. Learn which devices can access the BookFunnel app and cloud reader.

View a simple download page on a restricted book.

View an email signup page on a restricted book.

Which Book Formats Can Be Restricted?

You can restrict any ebook file, excluding fixed-layout EPUB files. To distribute a fixed-layout or illustrated ebook, upload a PDF and restrict that format!

Audiobooks can already be restricted to the BookFunnel App and cloud player.

How to Restrict A Book

Restricting a book is as simple as ticking a box. Removing the restriction and allowing readers to download your ebook files is just as easy.

How to restrict a book:

  1. Click Books on your BookFunnel dashboard and then click the book title.
  2. Under Delivery Settings, locate Readers can download and email an EPUB or PDF
  3. Click disable next to Readers can download and email an EPUB or PDF.
  4. Read through the download differences and click Restrict this book.

How to remove the restriction

  1. Click Books on your BookFunnel dashboard and then click the book title.
  2. Under Delivery Settings, locate Readers cannot download or email your EPUB or PDF
  3. Click disable next to Readers cannot download or email your EPUB or PDF.

Your book is no longer restricted and readers can download your EPUB and/or PDF.

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