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Bulk Delivery: Reduce errors, and frustration, with this simple reminder

Use bulk delivery to send books to a lot of readers at once… or to send a lot of books to a few readers at once. With bulk delivery, you communicate with your readers directly. BookFunnel doesn’t email your readers after adding the books to their BookFunnel libraries.

The Magical Reminder

When you’re ready, you’ll post an update on Kickstarter or Patreon to let your backers know that their books are waiting for them in their BookFunnel library.

When you make this announcement, be sure to also say this:

Your books have been added to your BookFunnel library! To get your books, just log in to the BookFunnel app or my.bookfunnel.com using the email address provided earlier (or using your Kickstarter email, however you collected their email for delivery). If you log in and your BookFunnel library is empty, log in to BookFunnel using your other email address to get your books.

—Experienced Kickstarter Author

Sharing a version of this message when you announce the book delivery will reduce support, and headaches, and make readers happy.

My books aren’t there!

You’ll still hear from backers who can’t find their books, and that is frustrating for you and for them. When this happens, check the Delivery History on your BookFunnel dashboard to see which books the email address received.

Assuming their email wasn’t omitted from the bulk delivery, and they did pledge the correct level to receive the books, the issue is usually one of two things:

  • They have another email they forgot to check on BookFunnel, and that’s where the books are waiting. They just need to log in with their other email address!
  • They typo’d their email address when they gave it to you, so the books were delivered to the wrong email address. Send another bulk delivery to the reader’s correct email address. You can optionally email support@bookfunnel.com and ask an admin to delete the erroneous BookFunnel library with your books!

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